install Mailsend on Centos

how to send email automatic

Send automated mail with mailsend on linux, mailsend is software from third party built by Muhammad muquit. Function of mailsend in order to facilitate the system administrator send automated email from server, this function is utilized by system administrator to send alerts or logs realtime. in this article I will install on centos 6.5, if you dont have mailsend you can download mailsend here or can also download from github 

for the first step that is exract mailsend with unzip, please type the command unzip, make sure you have installed openssl before. The next step is to go into the mailsend-master directory, default installation location for mailsend is /usr/local.

$ /bin/sh ./configure --with-openssl=/usr

if you want to move the default installation location please type the command.

$ /bin/sh ./configure --with-openssl=/usr --prefix=/usr/local/mailsend

then you have to compile

$ make clean

install mailsend on linux

and then please type the command one by one.

$ make
make install
$ sudo make install
$ make install DESTDIR=/foo

mailsend installation process is complete. you can check the default location for mailsend. please type command which mailsend like this.

automatic send email with mailsend

you can see there /usr/local/bin/mailsend is default installation directory mailsend. for manual documentation mailsend please type man mailsend to see how to use it, you can try by sending a manual email by typing the following command /usr/local/bin/mailsend match the default installation location. Take a look for the screenshot.

autoatic send email with mailsend

or you can create a script and add in to crontab, i have simple script like this.

export $PATH;
echo “This is Body Email Mailsend `date`”|mailsend -smtp -d yourmailserver -t -f  -sub “This is subject Test email Mailsend `date`”;


127.0.01 change to your smtp

-d for mailserver domain

-t for destination email

-f for mail sender

-sub for subject

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